Genie Overview
Genie is a PC based system which connects to Genesis panels to assist clients manage their access control and security. Genie has been designed to extend the power of the Genesis panels to provide a richly featured yet easy to use system for managing data, system control and event reporting.
Genie concurrently processes alarm and event information while allowing data viewing, editing and reporting by operators.
In addition to providing a single system for alarm monitoring and access control, Genie integrates with specialist management systems for Club Membership Access.
Genie Features
- Wizards and other tools to manage users and their access through doors and to areas at a site.
- Alarm notification so that appropriate action can be taken by operators.
- Graphics for displaying layouts of the site with live points to quickly view the location of alarms. The points on graphics are also used for sending commands to the panel. (Not available Genie Lite)
- History Screen shows events as they occur. Add comments, command points and view point and user event details.
- Alarm Screen list current alarms showing details, priority and providing a quick route to the appropriate graphic. Operators can log comments about alarms.
- Archive Reporting for listing events that have occured in the past. Predefined reports are available for common events filtering such as access reports.
- Operator Permissions provide extensive customisation of menu items and options for different operators. (Not available Genie Lite)
- Schedules and Actions Standard actions automatically backup your database. Create additional actions to copy backups to other computers. (Not available Genie Lite)
- Automatic downloading of changed data to the panel ensures user access and other programming is always up to date.
New features Genie Club Access Version 3 Release 5
- New Users Centre provides additional and simplified functions for managing users. Changes to the layout of data makes it easier to view and edit user details. Keys can now be added directly from the Users Centre.
- New features added to a number of functions. New report showing doors and times in door access groups.
- Additional Genesis programming and commands in the Points Centre, Users Centre and User Types Centre. Text messages can be programmed in the Points Centre; Access to user and group flags has been added.
- Licencing Changes The new Commissioning licence is a new option for installers providing time limited access where appropriate. Commissioning licences are available for Lite, Standard, Professional and Club editions. With a commissioning licence, Genie will connect to panels for 60 days from the date the licence was issued. This is different from an Evaluation licence which will communicate with the panel for 30 days from installation.
- Digifort CCTV Support A new option is available providing an interface Digifort servers located within your network. Link points to cameras to quickly view live and recorded video in the History, Graphics and other screens.
- Report Engine has been replaced. The new engine allows for more
complex reports. New reports include
- Door Access Details, listing access times for doors in door access groups
- User Door Access, listing users showing each door they can access and when
- Club Access data importing has been updated to allow changing a key for a given user id. In addition, finding users based on their user id has been added.
Genie Professional
- Unlimited Archives can be saved in monthly or six-monthly files.
- Point Trigger Actions Set a trigger on a point to execute and action when a specific event occurs. Actions executed include commanding other points and running a status report. Use this to generate a Users On Site when a fire or muster alarm is activated, or to send an email.
- Automatic Operator Logoff Set a Timegroup for an Operator Group, and operators will only be able to log on during the valid times for the timegroup. They will be automatically logged of at the end of the valid times.
- Graphics Use graphics files as background to drawings, or import DXF files and edit with the built-in Editor. Live points, graphics jumps and text make displaying status and controlling points simple and quick. Open up to 4 Graphics Viewers at the same time. View different plans for point monitoring and control.
- Graphics Workstation Workstations can be configured to automatically log on a defined operator and open the graphics. Use when the operator id is not important, such as in secure locations, and have a limited selection of points and commands available.
- Timed Point Commands Timed commands, under Genie control, have been added for Inputs, Doors and Areas. These complement the timed output commands available within the Genesis panel.
- Schedules and Actions As well as the standard actions you can create actions to run System Reports, such as Users On Site under Scheduler control.
- History Screen Additional features include a list the last 10 events for a point or user with a single click.
- Alarm Screen additionaly features include display of custom response instructions for operators. Bulk Acknowledge, Suspend or Reset of multiple alarms with a single click.
- User Importing Import user data including, user name, key details, user type, access type and validity dates.
- Custom Icons can be created for use on graphics.
Genie Options for Standard and Professional
Additional Options are available in Genie to provide addititional specialised functionality.
- Door Watcher automatically displays stored user images as access events are received for a door.
- Time Attendance records user access at defined readers for Time Attendance reports, and exporting to third party systems such as spread sheets and payroll systems.
- Counter Points manage variables available in the Genesis panel for automatic recalling and reporting.
- Partitioning allows sites to be divided into partitions to limit operator access to specific users and points for editing, commands and reporting.
View the Feature Matrix to see more features and which options are available in the different Genie Editions.
Genie System Requirements
Standard PCs available are generally suitable for Genie. Faster machines with additional memory will give better performance, particularly for sites with large configurations or high numbers of daily events.
- Windows® 7, Windows®10, Windows®11 and similar Server editions. Runs on 32bit and 64bit systems.
- Minimum 2 GB. More memory will give better performance
- 5 GB with minimum 500 MB available hard disk space for main system
- Additional disk space requried by archives for 6 months events
- 70 MB total for up to 1000 transactions per day (typical smaller to medium site)
- 200 MB total for up to 5000 transactions per day (typical for medium to large site)
- minimum 500 MB for over 5000 transactions per day (very large site)
- Serial port or Ethernet access for connection to security panel. USB port can be used where approved driver is installed.